Image manipulation with Python PIL and Pillow
PIL is the Python Imaging Library. Pillow is a friendly fork of PIL.
The image that you can see on the home page of the Code Maven workshop was taken by yours truly at one of our early workshop. Then it was changed using PIL to have its current form. (Well, actually originally it was changed using Gimp, but since I learned I can do it better using PIL.)
In this workshop we will learn a number of techniques you can use to create and change images programmatically. Some of the tasks you’ll accomplish during the workshop.
- Create an image with a single color background and text on it that can be posted on social networks to grab the attention of people.
- Add straight lines to existing images to mark specific areas.
- Add rectangulars to image to mark objects.
- Resize image.
- Crop image.
- Blur image.
- Combine images.
- Add a white triangle at the bottom of the image and write some text on it.
- Draw simple pictures.